PinnedMiraclesYes, I’m writing about miracles There is a miracle that can be plainly seen in this world, in front of everyone’s eyes, that inspires both…May 14, 20213May 14, 20213
PinnedYour view of the family follows your grasp of the truth.When you rebel against God, you are like a child who hates rules, but these are the rules that grant life, to you and everyone around you.Oct 30, 20224Oct 30, 20224
PinnedJesus’ ministry hinged on what matters mostYou can’t photograph nothingAug 28, 2023Aug 28, 2023
In a universe of wonders, is mastering the elements really the ultimate goal of science?Abell 2151, Hercules Galaxy Cluster (image credit: 27, 20241May 27, 20241
What if Jesus did die to save you, after all?To believe Christianity, I only had to be convinced of one thing, that men do not rule, they are ruledSep 24, 20222Sep 24, 20222
Science v Genesis — God’s test?The apparent disparity between science and Genesis may be the test of faith God actually intended.Aug 20, 20224Aug 20, 20224
VulgarityIsn’t it finally the last line of defense in a society that’s lost its way?Aug 13, 20221Aug 13, 20221
Ownership is precious in God’s eyesThere is no ownership by consent in God’s plan because his ownership is all through assent to his intent. In his plan, ownership is by…Aug 13, 2022Aug 13, 2022
New Day, Same LessonYou and I are being taught the same lesson, over and over, every day, by life.Aug 13, 2022Aug 13, 2022
You are helpless, not self-sufficient (there’s a way out)What’s the one thing you’re mind fights to prevent you from having to deal with? Information overload. Why? Because you’re made to…Jul 30, 2022Jul 30, 2022
Am I in love with, and believing, the power of Christ?Paul preached one message, constantly, you either love the world, or you love God, there’s no in between.Jul 24, 20222Jul 24, 20222
The basic process of self-delusion has become epidemicLies beget more lies until the truth flees entirely.Jul 24, 20221Jul 24, 20221
Is there a center (in politics) anymore?How free can a group be before infringing on the freedoms of another?Jul 24, 20221Jul 24, 20221
God answers all questions…not just the big ones, but the most important kind, the small ones…Jul 7, 20222Jul 7, 20222
SupernaturalIs it me, or has The Nothing come for more and more of us, lately?Jun 18, 2022Jun 18, 2022
Do we need truth?Isn’t it time to admit what we’re all having trouble with right now is the ability to face reality?Jun 11, 20221Jun 11, 20221
Yes, God is an easy target. Why is that?Have you ever seen a Dad deliver a crushing knock out blow to his little daughter, and your first thought is: What a great Dad…?Apr 15, 2022Apr 15, 2022
So, lies are just liesCommandment 9 gets a pretty loosy-goose treatment when we’re taking about fibbing. Is it possible the entire list of 10 commandments are…Mar 28, 2022Mar 28, 2022